Friday, August 12, 2011

Let's Start Somewhere

Grieving after the loss of a loved one is a very personal expreience. Unless you go into seclusion, it is also a social one. A natural human response is to go looking for the support you think you need -- and it is frustrating when you don't find it.

I have experienced the death of three of my brothers during my adulthood. And as I have gone looking for resources on grieving the loss of a sibling, I have found precious little. I have also found that most of the information out there is based primarily on research or the experiences of widows and parents who have lost children. Is the experience of losing a sibling the same? I don't think it is.

So I would like to use this blog to provide a place for my own reflection and research into this kind of experience -- and hopefully to provide a place for other folks to ask questions and share what they have found both helpful and especially tricky to endure. My focus will always be on resilience and the pursuit of living a joyful life -- in the context of substantial challenge.
